Get Started


Download the latest release from GitHub for your OS. Extract the contents of the tar file, and move the pb binary to a location in your $PATH. For example:

tar -xzf pb_0.4.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x pb
mv pb /usr/local/bin


A profile is a named configuration for connecting to a Parseable Server. pb ships with a profile called demo which points to the Demo Parseable Server. pb can be used to configure several profiles.

Profile command has the following sub-commands:


You can create a new profile by running the pb profile create command. For example:

pb profile add mydemo admin admin


List add the profiles by running the pb profile list command. For example:

pb profile list


To avoid setting the a profile for every command, you can set the default profile by running the pb profile default command. For example:

pb profile default mydemo

By default the demo profile is set as the default profile.


You can delete a profile by running the pb profile delete command. For example:

pb profile delete mydemo

Stream Management

A stream is a collection of log events. pb can be used to manage streams on a Parseable server. Stream command has the following sub-commands:


You can create a new stream by running the pb stream add command. For example:

pb stream add teststream


You can get information about a stream by running the pb stream info command.

For example:

pb stream info frontend


You can list all the streams by running the pb stream list command. For example:

pb stream list


You can remove a stream by running the pb stream remove command. For example:

pb stream remove teststream
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