
To query log data on Parseable, you can use the pb query command.

pb query run "select * from frontend limit 50" --from=1m --to=now

You can also pipe the query output to other familiar tools like jq, grep, cut, awk, sed etc to process the JSON output. For example:

pb query run "select * from frontend" --from=1m --to=now | jq . | less
pb query run "select host, id, method, status from frontend where status = 500" --from=1m --to=now | jq . | less
pb query run "select host, id, method, status from frontend where status = 500" --from=1m --to=now | grep "POST" | jq . | less

Supported flags

Below are the flags supported by query command.

  • from or f: Used to specify the start time of the query. Takes date as '2023-10-12T07:20:50.52Z' or string like '10m', '1hr'. Default value is '1m'.

  • to or t: Used to specify the end time of the query. Takes date as '2023-10-12T07:20:50.52Z' or 'now'. Default value is 'now'.

  • save-as or s: Used to save a filter with the specified query. Takes a filter name.

  • with-time or w : To store the filter along with the specified time range chain save-as or s flag with with-time or w flag.

Manage Filters

To manage the saved filters for the active user you can use the list command. For example:

pb query list

This will open an interactive TUI which will show the available filters along with options for applying and deleting.

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