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2 posts tagged with "AWS"

Explore articles on integrating Parseable with AWS services for seamless log management and data ingestion.

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Five Drawbacks of CloudWatch - How to Switch to Parseable

· 5 min read
Shivam Soni
Guest Author

AWS CloudWatch is a popular choice for log management and monitoring particularly for those deeply integrated into the AWS ecosystem. However despite its widespread use several drawbacks make it less appealing for specific applications especially those requiring flexibility cost-efficiency and high customizability.

In this article we'll consider when to use AWS CloudWatch versus Parseable and explain how to make the switch to Parseable.

AWS Lambda Observability without CloudWatch Logs

· 6 min read

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code in response to certain events. However, debugging, monitoring or audit logs of Lambda functions are tightly coupled to AWS CloudWatch, which is a leading cost driver for Enterprises. In this post, we will see how to use Parseable to ingest logs and store them in a cost effective manner on AWS S3 for longer and more meaningful analytics.

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