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2 posts tagged with "Clickstream"

Explore blogs on analyzing clickstream data with Parseable for insights into user behavior and performance.

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Build Clickstream Data Infrastructure with Winston and Parseable

· 7 min read
Abhishek Sinha
Guest Author

Clickstream data are a series of individual events. These individual events are sequenced to do analytics and draw a variety of insights. To build a dependable analytics system, you need to build reliable infrastructure and a pipeline to record each event. You can build a robust clickstream data infrastructure using React, Node.js, Winston, and Parseable.

How to collect, store, and analyze clickstream data with Parseable

· 7 min read
Abhishek Sinha
Guest Author

Clickstream consists of a series of ongoing user events (such as page visits, button clicks, form submissions, etc.) on websites or apps. These events capture a wealth of information about user behavior and site usability. Data-driven teams log these events, query, and sequence them to gain insights. Teams from marketing, product, and UI/UX departments use this data as a secret sauce to build delightful products.

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