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3 posts tagged with "Kubernetes"

Read blogs on integrating Parseable with Kubernetes for seamless log management in containerized environments.

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Kubernetes Audit Logs & Kubernetes auditing with Parseable

· 8 min read
Oshi Gupta
Guest Author

Audit logs are core components of security and observability in Kubernetes. This post explains how to ingest and store Kubernetes audit logs in Parseable. Additionally, we'll see how to setup alerts on these logs to get notified when a specific event occurs. In this example, we'll setup an alert to get notified when a user (service-account) accesses a secret.

Announcing Parseable Kubernetes Operator

· 3 min read

Kubernetes Operator pattern allows a neat bundling of the application business logic and Kubernetes API. Operators are now widespread and make it easy for end users to deploy and manage an application on a Kubernetes cluster. We are excited to announce the release of Parseable Kubernetes Operator

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